
Exclusive training for coaches

Free Training: A Mind Blowing Fact
About The Coaching Market and
5 Mistakes Coaches Must Avoid

Watch this training now to take the first steps towards
an authentic and sustainable coaching practice

Here's what you'll learn:

Hi, my name is Mihai Zant, Founder of CoachingafterSchool.com, and I am inviting you to take a few moments to think about your coaching business.

Working for many years in the coaching arena both as a coach, coaching teacher for one of the leading academies in the world and running my own career coaching certification I have had the chance to help hundreds of coaches start their own practice and business.

These have led me to the conclusion that our field of work needs help. This line of business will not be credible anymore without the right positioning and structure of our services. The average declared annual earnings from coaching is under the emotional and wellbeing threshold and seriously under the level needed to get business respect for us as professionals.

While the power of coaching tools and practice is uncontested, the business perspective needs careful reconsideration. Doing something meaningful and making a sustainable revenue out of the coaching activity should not be an “either/or” type of choice. They should co-exist.

Coaching afterSchool is addressing exactly that!

If you also feel that your current or future coaching business could use a powerful boost, you are in the right place. Go ahead and register for the free training, watch it and advance your evolution as a coach.

About Coaching afterSchool:

Alex Andone
Alex AndoneMindset Coach
"In the first 60 days I've successfully enrolled 6 clients that I love. Moreover I get to spend more time with my loved ones and I'm at least 2 times less stressed about my practice"
Iuliana Rusei
Iuliana RuseiProductivity Coach
"Participating in Coaching afterSchool Accelerator raised a lot of awareness for me, in respect of business possibilities, value creation and relationship with clients. Even more, it triggered a lot of aspects to reflect on, thus I'm reanalyzing some of my beliefs that I now realize are slowing down or even blocking my progress. It was a great experience, with many insights. Highly recommended."
Helen Nastasa
Helen NastasaHR Director & Individual Psychology Certified Coach
"I have worked with Mihai in the "Coaching afterSchool" program. I had heard of him in the industry, but we had never worked together before. It was a very pleasant surprise and not because I have low expectations but because he is more than one can see on the outside. So only by working with him, you can really appreciate him. Which I highly recommend!"