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Coaching Afterschool
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I've been in the learning & development industry for many years already and had a few occasions to practice coaching as an extension to the learning experiences that resulted in building trust. In December 2021 I saw Mihai's announcement on social media: the invitation to join a Coaching afterSchool Accelerator. I felt an urge to enroll and I did. It was the first cohort and I am happy to have been part of it. I believe it's a great initiative to actually grow a coaching community apart from the feeling of competition.
The people in my group were open to share experience, hopes and fears around the coaching profession. I enjoyed this very much.
Another thing I found relevant was the format of this program: a 'behind the scenes' program. Nobody tells you how to build this business, which is very different from having a passion for coaching. What Mihai told us about the business itself mirrored my experience in the past +10 years of building business in the L&D industry.
I appreciated Mihai for showing vulnerability and disclosing part of his struggles to shift from the employee status to the entrepreneur status. I appreciate authenticity behind a desirable mask and for this I believe it's a worthwhile encounter of souls.
I would recommend this program for those of you who:
1. would like to start a coaching business and you don't know where to start,
2. would like to e-meet or meet kindred spirits and grow together, and
3. would like to become part of an evolving supporting coaching community.

Initially it seemed like a great workshop covering the key elements of starting your own coaching practice.
However I realized further that in a subtle way some magic took place in overcoming the fears and doubts about actually taking the leap of faith from knowing to doing.
Within a week from the workshop I’ve went on the coaching market and started with my first five clients. I totally recommend!

Coaching afterSchool Accelerator was a program about mindset, beliefs, perceptions, internal and external worth, market positioning but it was also about sharing experiences, vulnerability and desire to learn and grow.
I could say that for me was a perfect cocktail of emotions, activities, actions and results.
This program brought to me more clarity, instruments that continue to help me in my journey, and at last but not at least I gained friends and a place in an amazing community of people in which we support each other.
And If you also like programs which bring the brain and the heart in the same space, this is a program that I will recommend.

Participating in this program raised a lot of awareness for me, in respect of business possibilities, value creation and relationship with clients.
Even more, it triggered a lot of aspects to reflect on, thus I'm reanalyzing some of my beliefs that I now realize are slowing down or even blocking my progress.
It was a great experience, with many insights.

Mihai's very pragmatic approach helped me visualize my goals and my action points to take right away.
I appreciated his honest and authentic way in sharing how he is doing things as a coach/consultant not leaving questions unanswered or taboos unrevealed.
The Coaching afterSchool Accelerator with Mihai was a reality check for me in the world of coaching as a business and as a job.
CristinaHR Manager
The experience of this program gave me clarity, structure, and support to improve my own business after I finished the coaching school. The atmosphere gives you a mix of feelings that includes vulnerability, authenticity, and curiosity, all lived around people who have the same intentions as you.
The modules offer a reflection on your perception as a coach and help you to choose which are the best channels to be present in communities. Moreover, the program puts different tools on the table to help you tell the people what your story is, as a coach. This experience works very well whether you completed a coaching school, training programs, or if you have counselling expertise.